5th Annual Building Inclusive Community Conference
The 5th Annual FREE Building Inclusive Community Conference will feature Keynote Speaker Nestor Gomez at 9:00 a.m., who will share his story as a means of helping to build bridges across communities. Nestor is the creator, producer, curator and host of 80 Minutes Around the World, and is also an 82-time Moth Slam winner and 3-time Chicago Moth Slam winner! A variety of workshops will be offered, at 10:15 and 11:30, followed by a FREE pizza lunch with discussion facilitated by students on what an inclusive community looks and feels like. Workshops will be presented on a variety of topics to support the conference goal of helping to build an inclusive community by encouraging participants to learn about each other, connect with the wide diversity of our community, and discover ways to take action to improve equity and inclusion. See full workshop descriptions here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BK1elc3zs7Bms2Arwp9_oRzFRh5WkKdt53teSXdzq4I/edit?tab=t.0 There will also be vendor tables with community organizations sharing resources, and the Embracing Our Differences art exhibit will be on display, courtesy of the First Presbyterian Church of Western Springs. Register in advance here: https://tinyurl.com/bicc2025 https://www.facebook.com/events/1267757111122230/ https://www.facebook.com/events/1267757111122230/
Date and Time
Saturday Feb 8, 2025
8:30 AM - 1:00 PM CST
Lyons Township South Campus
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La Grange photography © Bob Briskey