First Congregational Church of La Grange
- South La Grange Road at Cossitt Avenue La Grange Illinois 60525
- (708) 352-0800
- Send Email
- FCC - La Grange Website
Sunday 9-noon
Mon - Thurs 9-3
Fri 9 -2:30
About Us
First Congregational Church of La Grange (FCCLG) is a place where people come together to worship God, grow in community, and spread God’s love outside the walls of our church. FCCLG is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ. We welcome persons of diverse racial and ethnic heritage, socioeconomic circumstance, gender, age, physical and mental ability, marital status, faith tradition, gender identity, and sexual orientation to share in Christ’s invitation to love and serve. Whoever you are, and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here! We invite you to join us in worship on Sundays at 10:00am.
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La Grange photography © Bob Briskey