
BEDS Plus Care
Business Hours: 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.
About Us
The mission of BEDS Plus Care is to help vulnerable individuals stabilize their lives through housing and supportive services. Our vision is to end homelessness one person at a time in Southwest Suburban Cook County, where we primarily serve the Townships of Lemont, Lyons, Palos, Proviso, Orland, Riverside, Stickney and Worth. As a Suburban Cook County Coordinated Entry partner, we also serve prioritized clients from throughout the County.
From mid-March through the end of July 2020, BEDS delivered 12,506 nights of emergency shelter to 234 clients and provided 37,518 meals. BEDS successfully prevented any COVID-19 infections among congregate shelter guests and BEDS staff by strictly adhering to CDC guidelines.
Video Media

Our mission

CHW training workshop

Shelter volunteers in action

Summer dinner program at Palos United Methodist Church

Summer dinner program at Palos United Methodist Church

Thank you from a BEDS client!

LT Social Action Project student volunteers help with shelter cleanup

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Thank you to the 7th grade students at St. Francis Xavier School who helped with shelter cleanup

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Silvermoon Salon pays it forward and donates haircuts to BEDS clients! Thank you, Silvermoon Salon!

Ace Hardware corporate employees helped Beds Plus with shelter moves and clean up during their #AceCaresWeek.

Thank you to Enterprise Fleet Management for its donation to BEDS. The company learned of BEDS through Bill Burke of Gerber Collision, a volunteer who listed BEDS on his LinkedIn profile. Pictured are BEDS Executive Director Tina Rounds, Angela Bogosh and Waleska Arroyo of Enterprise and Bill Burke of Gerber Collision.

BEDS thanks our Americorps staff members Alex Leone and Natalie Breeden

BEDS extends a warm thank you to Countryside Bank for providing us with insulated food bags!

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La Grange photography © Bob Briskey